Overview of Course

This course is jam packed with helpful information about the kidding process of goats. With the help of Dave and Tracy, we are able to provide you with a combination of over 55 years of kidding experience. Our whole goal in making this course is to set you up for success, so you can kid with confidence.

Tracy started out on a commercial size dairy and boar herd when she was about 14 years old. Since then, she has had 30 years of experience in birthing and raising goats.

Dave has 25 years of experience raising and assisting in birthing goats. He started out on a commercial size dairy and boar herd when he was 26.

The farms they worked for consisted of most of the dairy breeds, Nubian, Lamancha, Saanen, Alpine, Toggenburg. The farm would kid out roughly 100 to 200 does each year. Combined, Dave and Tracy have facilitated about 2000  goat births.

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