
Birthing Kit

Essential Goat Birthing Kit

Preparing for kidding season is crucial for a successful and stress-free birthing experience. A well-stocked birthing kit allows you to assist does and kids when needed, ensuring their health and safety. Below is a guide to assembling a simple yet effective birthing kit based on years of experience.

Basic Birthing Kit Essentials

  1. Scissors
    • Use to trim the umbilical cord to a manageable length, leaving about 1 inch from the belly.
    • Ensures the cord is clean and reduces infection risk.
  2. Iodine Spray
    • Apply liberally to the trimmed umbilical cord to prevent infection.
    • Saturation is sufficient; no need for dipping.
  3. Chains or Weights
    • Attach to the placenta with a zip tie to provide gentle, natural weight.
    • Helps the doe pass the placenta without pulling or causing harm.
  4. CMPK (Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium)
    • Injectable solution to rehydrate or boost electrolytes in stressed or dehydrated does or kids.
    • Can be administered subcutaneously or in larger doses with a squeeze bag.
  5. SMZs (Sulfamethoxazole Antibiotics)
    • Administer to kids or does if there’s a risk of infection.
    • Proactively used when complications arise.
  6. Bounce Back (Electrolyte Solution)
    • Use for newborns or weak kids to boost energy.
    • Can be added to bottles or administered via drench.
  7. Bose (Selenium and Vitamin E)
    • Optional: Administer to kids or does in selenium-deficient areas.
    • Provides essential nutrients for growth and recovery.
  8. Towels
    • Dry and clean newborns, especially in cold conditions.
    • Use smaller towels to clean the doe’s vulva and surrounding areas.
  9. Plastic Bin
    • Line with straw to temporarily house kids after birth while assisting the doe.
    • Keeps kids safe and out of the way during multiple births.
  10. Iodine-Based Scrub
    • Sterilize your hands and the doe’s vulva before assisting with birth.
    • Ideal for situations where manual intervention is required.
  11. Molasses
    • Add to water as an energy booster for does showing fatigue during labor.

Kit Setup Tips

  1. Organization:
    • Store items in a designated container or bag for quick access.
    • Keep items like towels, scissors, and iodine easily reachable.
  2. Gloves vs. Bare Hands:
    • Gloves may reduce tactile sensitivity, making it harder to identify the baby’s position.
    • Scrub hands thoroughly with iodine-based soap if working without gloves.
  3. Birthing Space:
    • Prepare a clean, warm area with fresh bedding for kidding.
    • Ensure heat lamps are available in cold weather and buckets of water are out of reach of kids.

Optional Add-Ons for Advanced Preparedness

  • Obstetric Lubricant: For assisting difficult births.
  • Syringes and Needles: For administering medications like CMPK or Bose.
  • Suction Bulb: To clear mucus from kids’ noses and mouths.
  • Kidding Camera: Baby monitors with night vision to observe does without constant supervision.

Key Notes for Use

  • Always sterilize tools and your hands before assisting.
  • Monitor the doe for signs of labor or complications and be prepared to intervene if necessary.
  • Stay calm and collected, as the majority of births will proceed naturally.

This birthing kit covers the essentials for most kidding situations while keeping the process simple and effective. Adjust based on your herd’s specific needs and circumstances.

We highly recommend our Goat Birthing Course.

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