A-Z Milk Goat Course

Milking Goats
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A-Z Milk Goat Course: Introduction to Milking Goats

Introduction to Milking Goats

Welcome, we know you are ready to dive right in and start learning this amazing world of milking a goat. We know this course will teach you everything you need to know.  I have owned goats for years and I am still learning things daily, this will be a life long experience for you. My hope is that this course can short-cut your time to be a successful steward of goats. Whether you are a first time milker or you’re experienced but looking for the finer points; this course will help you.

We at packgoats.com and Cristen Sullivan, owner of the Simple Pulse Milking Machine, have spent hundreds of hours, pulling from decades of experience to accumulate this “how to” in one place. It’s well organized, and complete.  Please don’t hesitate to send us your feedback and/or follow-up questions as this will be regularly updated and our goal is to make it even better over time. Remember you have lifetime access to this course through your account and we will update you as things change and improve. Enjoy.