Some of the following may not apply to you depending on where you live.
Antibiotics, supplements, vitamins and vaccine supplies list:
Triodine-7 or Betadine – Triodine is a Topical Iodine with no dosage requirements. Betadine – Povidone-Iodine 5% solution Antiseptic Microbicide. Extra-label for goats. These are used for cleaning areas such as the umbilical cord or your hands if you have to go in and help the doe.
BoSe – Adults 2.5 cc/100 lbs. This is a selenium and Vitamin E booster for goats residing in selenium deficient areas it also prevents white muscle disease in kids.
Vitamin E Gels – **See below under Selenium. The most popular use is the combination Selenium & Vitamin E.
Banamine – 2 cc per 100 lbs IM. No more than once every 12 hours. 1/10th of cc IM for kids. Vet Prescription only, not over the counter. This is used as an anti-inflammatory.
LA 300 – Noromycin LA 300 (oxytetracycline) Cattle Antibiotic IM. Pneumonia, pink eye & hoof rot in cattle. 1-2 mL (1 mL) per 100 lbs. Every 24 hours for 3 days. Lactating does can be given 1.5-2 mL per 100 lbs. OR Penicillin (Vet Prescription only) – Penicillin G Procaine 300 IM for Pneumonia. (extra label for goats). 1 mL per 100 lbs suggested. Either of these can be used to treat uterine infections.
Sulfa – Di-Methox 40% or Sulfadimethoxine (Sulfa) 12.5% for Coccidia occurrence (Vet Prescription only) . Liquid product preferred. Drench at 3-5 cc for Kids, 5-10 cc for Adults. Given 5 consecutive days. Sulfa can be used to treat sick kids with symptoms of diarrhea.
Probios – Adults 5 mL. Probiotic Paste is a stabilized source of Lactic Acid Bacteria including Lactobacillus acidophilus, yeast and Inulin. Feed to any animal at times of stress. Stress occurs during ration change, birth, weaning, shipping, weather changes and following antibiotic treatment. Lactic Acid Bacteria helps to maintain normal appetite and digestion.
CD&T – CD&T Vaccine (Clostridium Perfringens Type CD & Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine) Kids 1-3 months 2 cc SQ. 3 shots total each 30 days apart.
Decoccidia – Toltrazuril (extra label) for prevention of Coccidia. Drench at 1 mL/5 lbs at 30, 60, 90 days in kids. Treatment dose for active Coccidia is 3 mL/5 lbs in kids.
Selenium & Vitamin E paste – combination of Selenium and Vitamin E. Adult 4 mL, Kids 2 mL. Once every 30 days.
Multimin 90 – 1 cc/100 lbs. Multi-Min 90 is a concentrated formulation of four essential minerals (zinc, manganese, selenium and copper) in injectable chelated (slow-release) form.
**Extra Label or Off Label = Not FDA approved for goats; used by some vets and many in the goat community and found effective.
cc/mL = interchangeable on syringe.
Delivery Supply List:
Most of these supplies you can get at your local farm and feed stores.
Surgical scrub: To disinfect your hands when you have to go into the doe.
Towels: for cleaning the birth fluid of the kids
Teet wipes: Cleaning off the doe’s teets before the kids nurse.
Paper towels: General clean up
Dawn dish soap: To clean the kids
Plastic tote: Big enough for kids to fit in to prevent the doe from pawing at the kids.
Plastic Coated Wire: Use as a snare to assist with delivering a baby that is positioned with the head back.
K Y Jelly Lube: Lubrication for difficult deliveries when you have to go in and help the doe.
Dental floss: to tie off the umbilical chord.
8-10 inch Chain: To act as a placenta weight to help the doe pass the placenta
Bottle and Nipples or Milk bucket: Feeding babies