
30-45 days before delivery

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is an important part of the process. Good preventative measures can save you from having to do a costly cure. Ensuring the doe is in peak health will help prevent problems due to mineral deficiency and malnutrition.


This really depends on your geographical location and budget. You may or may not have access to good quality alfalfa/hay and may need to rely more on grains. Check with your vet to be sure you are giving your doe’s the proper nutrition.

Dave and Tracy’s example:

They will increase the amount of Alfalfa (dairy quality) by 50% and rely less on the grass, 6 to 8 weeks prior to kidding. So it’s not quite free choice alfalfa, but instead of seeing the feeder empty, there will be stems left in the bottom of the feeder. They still want to provide grass for fiber to slow down the digestion process and to get a variety of vitamins and minerals in the Timothy hay. They will begin providing grain 2 to 3 weeks prior to kidding, primarily to get the girls into the habit of coming in to the milk parlor and learning the routine before milking starts. They give a half a scoop of grain to start (roughly 1/2 lb.) during the first week then increase to a full scoop (roughly 1lb.) for the last week. They rely less on the grain and more on the hay to maintain a does weight and health during lactation.
  • Free choice of a quality alfalfa/grass mix.
  • 1lb. of grain per pregnant doe per day
  • Unlimited fresh clean water

CD and T Shot

A month away from the delivery date give each pregnant doe a CD&T shot. This way the kids are born with some resistance, be sure to follow up with another CD and T shot when the kid is 30 days old.

Multimin 90 injectable ( for mineral deficient areas: zinc, copper, selenium and magnesium) 

If needed this can be done a month before the delivery date. Be sure to check with your vet if you are in an area where it is recommended to do this.

Vitamin E (given 2 weeks before due date)

You can get these over the counter liquid gels at your local drug store. Cut them in half and pour them into their grain. You can’t overdose a goat on vitamin E.


Crush some tums and put in their grain.

Shave Udders and Tail

There are a few reasons to do this. One reason is it makes it easier to identify when a doe is about to go into labor because you’ll be able to see the mucus plug clearly and when the udder is full. Another reason is that it makes it a lot cleaner during delivery.

Trim Hooves

This is for general goat care.

Kidding Pen

Your farm will largely determine what kind of kidding pen set up you have. There’s no right or wrong set up, but there are a few important components your kidding pen needs to have.

Security: It needs to be a place your doe is comfortable in. She needs to feel safe in order to give birth. They should be sectioned off from other does.

Shelter: There needs to be a shelter available to protect from the weather.

Heat: Most of the time kids are born at the tail end of winter or early spring. It is important to have a heat source to keep the kids warm. Especially important in the event you are not there for the delivery. If you don’t have a heated enclosed area heat lamps are a great alternative.

Straw beds: The doe needs a clean space to kid. Make sure you are frequently picking up poop and keeping the area clean.

Baby Monitor (with a swivel): This allows you to have eyes on your pen so you don’t have to physically be there until you have to. The only limitation is there is a certain range they are capable of. Keep this in mind, if your kidding pen is too far from your house, consider setting up a cot and a good sleeping bag so that you can get a good night sleep and only wake up when the doe begins to go into labor.

Food and Water: Another thing to consider is your own comfort. You may be out there for a while depending on the delivery. So set up chairs, have a thermos full of coffee, or do what you need to do to be comfortable.

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