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Thank you so much for taking our course. We hope that this proved to be valuable to you as well as save you time, money, and headache.

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Available Products

Just a friendly reminder, we have our Baby Kits available for you. Included in these kits are the tools you need to raise your baby goat. You can find that kit, here. Additionally, we have other products such as collars, leashes, bells, and pack goat specific gear. We are continually working on providing more supplies, tools, and accessories for you, so stay posted because we will update this when we get those products up for you!

Goat Gear and Supplies can be found here.

Pack Goat 101 Course

Pack Goat 101 Course is the follow up to the How to Raise a Baby Goat Course. This course gives an overview of raising baby goats but dives deep into every aspect of the world of goat packing. Don’t go through the stress, pain, or expense of wading into the world of goat packing without setting yourself up for success.

Baby Goats for Sale

If you are looking to buy a baby goat you can purchase one through us. We have partnered with breeders across the country to provide goats with approved genetics. Especially if you are looking into getting a goat for packing; a proven breeder and genetics are a very important thing to consider. So, check out our Goats for Sale page for more information.

We Want Your Feedback!

The beauty of an online course like this is the ability to add content. That is to say, having purchased this course gives you lifetime access and updates! As a result, as more information and experience come available, we can update this course. is constantly looking for ways to improve our products and provide relevant, helpful information for goat owners. So, we hope this course was worth it to you. In addition, we would love to hear about your experience! What did you like or not like? Anything we missed? How can we improve? What would you suggest we do differently for future courses? What’s a course you would like to see in the future?

We appreciate you taking the time to tell us how we can improve this!

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