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Helpful tools for mapping

Google earth pro allows you to see from different angles so you can get a better understanding the terrain.

Garmin Inreach Explore to mark specific points, routes, etc so you can have it on your Inreach in the backcountry (if you use a Garmin Inreach).

If you don’t have an Inreach, Caltopo is a great resource for mapping that you can use on your computer and then print off to have with you in the backcountry.

Things to think about when picking a route

  • Overall mileage and elevation gain. This will help you be able to plan your days in respect to the difficulty of the day.
  • Type of terrain you will be traveling. Off trail, trail, boulder fields etc will all greatly affect how you plan your days.
  • Desired camp spots and back up plans. Sometimes things just do not go as planned, keep in mind when planning your camp sites to pick out potential backup spots in case you are not moving as fast as you anticipated.
  • Water sources. Make sure there are enough water sources along the way for you and your goats.

Things to considering for traveling distance

Riding in the trail is stressful for goats.

1 hour in the trailer = 2 hours on the trail

If you are driving more than 4 hours, then you should sleep at the trail head because your goats will be exhausted from the ride.


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