Post Birth: Kid Care

Immediately after Birth

  1. Clear the airway: Once the kid is born it is important that you clear their airway of birth fluid. Wipe off their nose and mouth so they can breathe. 
  2. Dry them off: The next thing you need to do is dry them off using a towel. It is very important that the kid is dry and warm. 
  3. Let the doe lick the kid: The doe needs to learn how to be able to take care of kids, so that in the event you are not there for a birth, she knows how to care for that kid. If the doe is showing signs of aggression toward the kid, place the kid in a plastic tote to protect it or take the kid away if necessary.
  4. Colostrum: The kid needs colostrum. If your doe is tested and clear give them an hour or so to nurse. This also helps teach the doe how to take care of the kid.
  5. Spray the naval with iodine: Where the umbilical cord has been cut off, to prevent naval ill.
  6. Selenium E paste and vitamin E (for mineral deficient areas)

Cold Kid Protocol

A kid can’t digest milk if it is cold, so it will refuse to eat. You have to get the kids body temperature to 100 degrees in order to eat, so bring them inside and use a warm towel or heating pad and give them time to warm up. You also want to warm the milk up in the same range as their natural body temperature, 100-102 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Baby Pen

For those of you who may live in residential neighborhoods this is something to pay closer attention to. A doe and her kids can be very vocal which can be bothersome for neighbors. You can take the baby to a place where they can’t hear each other. For example, Marc has a little pen set up in his garage. The transition will be easier and quicker this way. It may also be helpful to leave the towel that you used to dry the kid off with the doe. 

24 hours and beyond

If you want a goat bonded to you, bottle feeding is the way to go. If you have more than four kids we recommend you get a lamb bar, it will make your life easier.

Keep the doe and her kids separated for a smooth and efficient transition.

If you are new to raising baby goats, check out our course on How to Raise a Baby Goat for an in depth guide to successfully raise your new little critter(s)

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