Roof Addition for the Adolescent and Doe Horned Goat Feeder

Building a Covered Feeder

goat feeder goat feeder

Building a covered feeder adds several significant advantages. Added material overhead further discourages adolescent males and adult does from entering the feeder and spoiling feed. Also, the wide roof design creates a desirable bedding and sheltered spot for goats. Additionally, the wide covered design keeps the surrounding high traffic area dry. This limits goats’ exposure to muddy conditions normally experienced around feeders. Also, goats will bed next to the feeder and limit waste by feeding from underneath the 4″ rise. This design protects both goats and feed from the elements, all while mitigating wasted feed and optimizing feed expense.

To build a covered feeder, build the feeder following the directions above but leave the 4×4 corner posts full length at 48″. The same tools are used as listed above.

Extra Materials:

(8) 8ft 2×4 studs
(2) 4’x8′ sheet of 3/8″ plywood
Optional: Metal or other roofing material


(2) 40″, 2×4
(4) 69″, 2×4
(2) 72″, 2×4
(4) 48″, 2×4 cut at 12 degree angle
(4) 26 1/4″, 2×4 cut at 12 degree angle
(2) 48″ x 72″, 3/8 plywood

For angled cuts, the length measurement is the long point from the square end.


  1. Cap the tops of the vertical posts with (2) 37″ and (2) 69″ 2x4s opposite each other flush with the tops of the posts.
    goat feeder
  2. On the 37″ sides, measure and mark at both 17 3/4″ and 19 1/4″ from one side. This gives you the center ridgeline location.
  3. Measure 18″ from each end of the 72″ 2×4.
  4. Place the 72″ 2×4 on the center ridgeline location, parallel to the (2) 69″ sides and center using the 18″ marks off each end.
  5. Toenail the center ridge in place by angling nails in at a 45 degrees from each side about 1/2 inch up the center ridgeline.
  6. From the top, nail a 48″ 2×4 truss cut at a 12 degree angle to each side of the peak, center ridgeline.
  7. Nail to the end of the 69″ caps.
    adolescent horned goat feeder plans
  8. Between the tails of the 48″ trusses, fit a 69″ 2×4 and nail from the outside. Repeat on both sides to form the outline of the roof.
  9. On the 37″ caps and the 69″ end, measure and mark 24″ from the outside edge. This will mark where the 26 1/4″ trusses will be nailed.
  10. Nail from the top a 26 1/4″ 2×4 truss cut at a 12 degree angle to each of the center marks, 24″ in from the outside edges.
  11. Again, nail on the square ends from the outside of the 69″ side, 24″ in from the outside edge.doe feeder plans
  12. Nail a 48″ x 72″ sheet of 3/8″ plywood to the top of this frame. Overlap the ridgeline by about 1/2″.
  13. Using a straight edge, mark lines above each 26 1/4″ truss and across the 69″ caps and nail about every 4″ on these lines to fix the sheet in place.
    goat feeder plans
  14. OPTIONAL, attach sheet metal or other roofing.
    adolescent horned goat feeder plans
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