Caring For Your Doe During Pregnancy

Caring For Your Doe During Pregnancy

Caring For Your Doe During Pregnancy

Caring for your doe during pregnancy is extremely important to prepare for birth and delivery of baby goats.  Your doe will need special care especially 30-45 days out from delivery.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is an important part of the process. Good preventative measures can save you from having to do a costly cure. Ensuring the doe is in peak health will help prevent problems due to mineral deficiency and malnutrition.

Essential Needs 30-45 Days From Delivery

Your pregnant doe will need lots of fresh water.  Here are some more important essentials in caring for your doe during pregancy.

CD and T Shot

A month away from the delivery date give each pregnant doe a CD&T shot. This way the kids are born with some resistance, be sure to follow up with another CD and T shot when the kid is 30 days old.

Multimin 90 injectable ( for mineral deficient areas: zinc, copper, selenium and magnesium) 

If needed this can be done a month before the delivery date. Be sure to check with your vet if you are in an area where it is recommended to do this.

Vitamin E (given 2 weeks before due date)

You can get these over the counter liquid gels at your local drug store. Cut them in half and pour them into their grain. You can’t overdose a goat on vitamin E.


Crush some tums and put in their grain.

Shave Udders and Tail

There are a few reasons to do this. One reason is it makes it easier to identify when a doe is about to go into labor because you’ll be able to see the mucus plug clearly and when the udder is full. Another reason is that it makes it a lot cleaner during delivery.

Trim Hooves

This is for general goat care.

Caring For Your Doe During Pregnancy: Preparing For Delivery

Goat Birthing Course consists of hours of video and picture content over the last couple of years!  That’s right….this has been a 2-year project.  From delivering single kids to triplets, we have video coverage of it all.  We also offer How To Raise A Baby Goat Course to prepare you in raising your new baby goats!  Learn how you can get your courses at 50% off with our Goat Club Membership.

  • Breeding
  • Preparations 30-45 days before delivery
  • Kidding Supplies
  • Stages of Labor
  • Kidding Positions and Live Births!
  • Post Birth Care
  • Bonus Footage