Setting Up the Milk Area
[video_embed url=””]Setting Up the Milking Area
Important Aspects of Setting Up a Milking Area
It is important to designate an area to milk your does separate from the other goats. In this video, Marc and Cristen explain the ideal milking area versus a milking area that is still clean but you do not have all the extra expenses starting out. It is easy to get started with a covered area, a stanchion and simple cleaning procedures for yourself and the doe.
The Ideal Milking Area:
- The milking area doesn’t have to be fancy.
- The area should be designated to milking goats only.
- It is important to start small and be as efficient as possible.
- There are different types of stanchion setups. It depends on what your preference is. If you have a horned goat versus a non-horned goat, the neck brace may be different. Stanchions are important for the goat to stand on while milking. A metal stanchion with a grate helps debris fall onto the floor under the goat. A wood stanchion is more economical.
- Electricity with good lighting is important if you are going to be milking in the early morning when it is dark.
- Floors and walls should be easy to clean.
- A door helps keep critters and flies out.
- Cabinets are handy to store cleaning materials in.
- A refrigerator is handy so you can quickly cool the milk.
It is important to know you can still have a quality product in a clean area versus having the ideal area.