
Protecting Baby Goats From Predators

Protecting Baby Goats From Predators

Protecting Baby Goats From Predators Protecting baby goats from predators is important this time of year as we are in full kidding season.  It’s March 6th right now.  And we’re getting ready to start having tons of kids on the ground. And we don’t have a really good barn to hold kids, especially the number […]

Keeping Your Goats Healthy In Winter

Keeping Your Goats Healthy In Winter

Keeping Your Goats Healthy In Winter As the summer comes to a close and the seasons change, there are a few things to prepare for to keep your goats healthy into the winter months.  Depending upon your location, some of these may not apply.  The rain and wind create a concern for pneumonia, wet coats […]

Cheap Baby Goat Shelter

Cheap Baby Goat Shelter

Cheap Baby Goat Shelter Here on the farm at packgoats.com, we know raising baby goats for the first time on your farm, homestead, or backyard, a goat shelter is a necessity. Especially a cheap easy goat shelter. Even though goats are equipped to live outdoors. They still need protection from rain, snow, wind, and extreme […]