
How to Cross Water With Pack Goats

How to cross water with pack goats

How to Cross Water with Pack Goats 

I get asked all the time how to cross water with pack goats. Training a pack goat to cross water is very easy when done correctly. There are a couple of things to consider before we dive in, so let’s discuss those first. Your goat’s safety must be considered first in this equation. I’m going to teach you how to train pack goats to cross water with that in mind. Different goats have different tolerance levels when it comes to water…some couldn’t care less and walk right in… Others think it’s acid, and if they touch it, they will melt.  Each will have to be handled a little different, but I do suggest you let your “best” water crosser, set the tone for the rest at each crossing.  Just remember that may not be your string leader so you may have to readjust their order as you approach.

Swimming Lessons

Alright then…let’s dive in (pun intended).  The easiest way to teach pack goats to cross and feel comfy with water is to start when they are babies.  Get them exposed to water a lot their first year (including swimming) and you will never have an issue. Swimming you say???  Yes, because then they will know they can… It’s quite instinctual once they try and they are good at it. Not knowing they can swim has got to be scary for a goat. Especially as they assess a crossing when the water is murky and they can’t see the bottom.

[video_embed url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL164HlvwUc”]

Strategy for Water Training

Now let’s talk about the progression and first exposures.  Goats are very smart and it’s very important how you expose them to water.  It’s important that you keep in mind the safest way for a pack goat to cross water is to walk through the water… It’s not balance-beaming a log, trying to jump the whole thing, or to hopping rock to rock. All of those can create a better chance of falling. A goat with weight on his back is safest when they calmly walk in, take their time across, and step out calm and steady.

That is what you are shooting for. If you can get them to assume from the beginning, “that is how goats cross”, then that is what they will do.  Now, it’s important to mention that I am a bad example of good string crossings when there are logs or rocks to choose from… I was inexperienced in the beginning and taught them wrong, so many of my goats cross logs and rocks if they have the option… I’m not sure I will ever be able to break them of that. So many of my leaders were bought as adults and I couldn’t (or didn’t) correct their poor crossing habits.  Now they teach the others to do wrong as well.  I do my best like the rest of you.

First Exposures to Water

For first exposures to water, select water in your area that is “just right”.  If I had a best-case scenario it would be a large area with about 3-6 inches of water (flooded field or large puddle).  When I say large, I mean big enough where I can walk in, and as they hesitate to look for a way around, they realize there isn’t one, and they just follow you in. You want your goats to follow exactly where you cross, not find their own route.  Once they join you in the center, you love them up and assure them that this is very normal and “just what pack goats do.” For more on this topic and everything you need to know on how to raise a goat in it’s first year, check out our How to Raise a Baby Goat Course.

Make them stay with you in the center reassuring them, with love, for as long as seems reasonable and then walk out, calm and slow. Having a good lead can be helpful with this for the very first time.   It’s SUPER important that you realize if you get wet, so will they. If you jump across or rock hop, so will they.  I always pack crocs so I can change and walk the safest route for them.That route, is to get wet and walk through the water calmly and let them follow.

Practice Makes Perfect

For all your next exposures, or maybe your first, find a river or stream that is wide and calm with a tapered entry and exit. Choose tapered as opposed to abrupt where they have to jump and do the same as above.  As they grow more comfortable you will be able to tell as they just step right in. They’ll be calm about how they do it. Make them cross through the same crossing over and over so they get super comfortable with it.

That will translate into comfort with water in general. Now they got it and it will remain their baseline of “how goats cross!”  Be aware, that I have found I have to “remind” them of proper crossing technique at the beginning of the packing season. Keep this in mind as you select your first outings in going somewhere where you know the crossings will be conducive to proper technique.

Hope this is helpful,


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