Your Goat Is Pregnant What To Do Next

Pack Goat Does

Your Goat Is Pregnant What To Do Next

Your goat is pregnant, what to do next? Congratulations you have accomplished the goal to get your goat pregnant. The ultrasound or blood test has confirmed. You have updated your records for when they conceived. It is on the calendar for when your doe is due, which is anywhere from 145 to 155 days. Now the next steps are the most important and crucial steps to your success to kidding. Following these steps will guide you and your doe to healthy baby goats.

Nutrition For Your Pregnant Goat

Nutrition and Care for Pregnant GoatsProper nutrition for your pregnant goat is the key to your success for a healthy mama and baby.  Keeping fresh clean water, free choice high quality 50/50 alfalfa/hay, and free choice minerals for the whole gestation period. Continuing grain while milking, they don’t need the grain in the early pregnancy period. If your doe is carrying multiples, she will need more nutrients. Monitor their weight with feeding, give less if gaining too much, and give more if not enough gain. Being careful not to overfeed, thus will make large babies which are hard for delivering.

Grooming Your Pregnant Goat

The importance of grooming your pregnant goat is very important not only for their health but for their safety. Getting heavier is harder on them jumping up on the stanchion. Most importantly during pregnancy, their hormones help with the growth of their hooves, so keeping hooves trimmed regularly will make for fewer sore hooves especially with all the weight gained. While you are trimming, trim the tail, hind legs, and teats making clean up much easier.

Preparing Before Kidding

By preparing before kidding, you and your doe before and throughout the pregnancy will be setting up for a healthy and successful start. Having a guide along the way will give you peace of mind to be ready and enjoy the journey with less stress. Make sure you read the article Nutrition and Care For Pregnant Goats for more specific details.

  • 2 months before kidding: Dry doe in milk, they need their energy for the baby.  Modify their feed, take notice of weight loss or gain.
  • 1 month before kidding: Start giving grain, added nutrients for milk production. CD&T vaccine to boost baby’s immunity and mamas. Trim hooves, tail, hind legs, and teats.
  • 1 week before kidding: Be ready with supplies, kidding area where babies will be born. Inform your vet and helpers.
  • Days before kidding: Be aware of behaviors. Keep pregnant goats close to the kidding area.


In the meantime, check out this video of baby goats being born. Be sure to check out our mission is to become a leading resource on all things for owning your goats. In addition, help you feel confident about the information and be successful in caring for your goats. For much more helpful information on how to care for and raise baby goats, check out our How to Raise a Baby Goat Course. This course is ideal for any new goat owner and provides resources to set you up for success in your first year. Course contents include topics on Pasture, Transportation, Feeding, Weaning, Nutrition, Vaccinations, Medications, Worming, Hoof Care, Training, Castration, Dehorning, and more! For the cost of 1 vet visit (OR LESS!) get lifetime access and updates on any device.