5 Goat Products You Can’t Survive Winter Without

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5 Goat Products You Can’t Survive Winter Without 

Winter can be a stressful time, without the help of these 5 goat products you can’t survive. Having the guidance of great tips and resources found at packgoats.com will find your winter a success. Check out this article for more information on how goats thrive through winter.

  1. Horned Goat Feeder- Building Plans

Goat FeederNothing is more frustrating to have wasted hay that has become destroyed due to weather or from being soiled on. Feeding goats with minimal waste is the goal especially in winter. Getting the optimal health through winter will reflect on growth, production, and performance. The features to this design include: feed up to 10 goats per feeder, the middle divider keeps baby and yearlings from jumping into the feeder and soiling the feed. Finally, easy cleaning by tipping it up and pitch forking back into the feeder or using it for dry bedding. These building plans come with 3 different designs. For more tips, check out benefits of having a good design on a goat feeder.

2. Goat Stanchion Horned Building Plans

goat stanchionTo succeed in routine duties, critical tools are required. A quality built stanchion with key features, for example, head trap system for any size goat, also for those extra wide horns. Made extra wide for your comfort to give you additional work space for bracing while trimming. An optional foot entrapment to safely secure hooves to prevent kicking. As a result, having a stanchion will make any process easy and only a one person chore especially in winter.

3. Hoof Trimming Kit

goat hoof trimming kidAll goats, male and female will need their hooves trimmed every couple months. So for the winter months, 3 or 4 times will be needed. Having a kit that is all in one, will make trimming so much easier. However, with a cheap pair of trimmers, it will make the task more difficult. Get the right pair of hoof trimmers. Good trimmers make the job a breeze. Easy trimming makes you more likely to do it. More regular trimming means healthier goats. Get the right pair of trimmers and keep them sharp. Don’t settle for less than the best. Worried you may have hoof rot or bad hooves, check out this video to learn how to repair them.

4. Goat Coat AKA Goat Shell

This goat coat is the best accessory for cold, wet weather. Goat fur is equipped to survive negative degrees below zero, really resilient and tough. The struggle is when they get wet, then windy and cold. They need a shell to keep moisture and wind off. However, we do not recommend an insulated coat. The coats come in 3 sizes, small fits up to 110lbs, medium is 110 to 185lbs, and large will fit 180-240lbs. In addition, an extra-large can be made for special orders. They come in 3 colors; green, blue, and red. Above all, these are an absolute must-have for cold windy chilly nights. Your goats will thank you.

5. How To Raise A Baby Goat Course

How to Raise a Baby Goat CourseMost importantly, this product, how to raise a baby goat course is everything you need to know in that first year of life. It’s a simple course in both video format and writing. Whether this is your first year in winter or you just need a refresher on tips to remember when to feed and how much. To know when sickness or diseases have infected your herd and how to treat them on your own. Especially, how to keep those babies warm through those freezing nights. This course will guide and give you the confidence to help you succeed with happy healthy goats.Pack Goat 101 is the follow-up to the How to Raise a Baby Goat Course. This course gives an overview of raising baby goats but dives deep into every aspect of the world of goat packing. Don’t go through the stress, pain, or expense of wading into the world of goat packing without setting yourself up for success. Since you are already indoors, might as well learn and study up for those summer adventures.

Be stress-free, be prepared, and have the guidance with tips and resources to survive this winter with happy healthy goats!