
When I Learned The Value of Goat Milk

Milking Goats

When I Learned the Value of Goat Milk

Milking Goats

When I first learned about the value of goat milk, I was enthralled with the health benefits and began a plan to drink goat milk and try to learn everything I needed to know about milking a goat.  My plan was to hand milk which is what I did for years, but I just got lucky to have done many things right; however, I could have used some help knowing everything that went along with having a milk goat.  Fast forward to now, I am currently milking over 6 gallons a day.   I sell raw goat milk as a certified raw milk producer which provides a nice little side income. This side income helps pay the hay bill and farm help.  The road to getting here was an interesting evolution.  I sure learned a lot I would do differently.

Milk Goat Health and Wellness

Milk goat health and wellness is probably where I fell down the most.  Keeping a goat healthy, properly fed and producing high levels of milk is harder than a new person thinks.  It’s doable, you just need the info and it’s out there; however, it is confusing with tons of mixed information and fraught with differing opinions. In the A-Z Milk Goat Course we built with Kristen Sullivan, the video we cut on this single subject is almost 45 minutes long and the written material that compliments it is amazing.  There is just a lot to know from birthing babies to keeping your goat in high production for a long period.

Birthing a Baby Goat

Birthing a baby and helping with pregnancy was probably number two most difficult.  Again, I think I got kinda lucky and now I’m about 40 kids in and still have a ton to learn because most of the births have been fairly uneventful and I haven’t had to pull or turn too many in the really difficult ways that need to be done on occasion.  For more information on how to raise a baby goat, check out our “How To Raise A Baby Goat Course”.

Milking A Goat

As far as getting into milking goats itself, that evolution went from three years with a bucket and my hands to a milking machine.  What a gift that has been to use the Simple Pulse and save my back and wrists.  The machine has made life easier, in that, I can train someone to use it fairly easily.  This means I get a break when I need it and the skill level and strength it takes to milk drops substantially.  I learned having a stanchion was important to aid in milking goats too.

Milking Goats

Goat Stanchion

I will tell you this, with a course we built that gives you what you need to know about milking goats,  I suggest you get it as you are venturing down the path of having a milk goat or two. If you want to just milk for your family or you are hoping to sell some milk and make a side income, this course will speed up the learning curve substantially. Having a milker is the whole next level to goat ownership and so rewarding and healthy…I can’t say enough about how much I encourage you to do it.

Cheers.  Marc