3 Things New Goats Owners Must Know

Lifesteading Event Speaker Marc Warnke

3 Things New Goat Owners Must Know So you are thinking about getting goats for your homestead, farm, or backyard? In this article, we share the 3 things new goat owners must know. But before we share these three things we would like to welcome you to our blog. Take a look around and check […]

New Baby Goat Owner Starter Guide

Baby Goat

New Baby Goat Owner Starter Guide Welcome! Want to own baby goats? Not sure how or where to start? At Packgoats.com, we are here to help you learn and prepare for owning goats on your homestead. We have created a simple checklist to help start your process. This guide will get you to a great […]

Helpful Products For Goats During the Fall

High Visibility Neckband

Helpful Products For Goats During the Fall As the season changes from hot and humid to cool and crisp, Today at packgoats.com we share some helpful products for your goats during the fall. Going from summer heat to fall weather swiftly can really affect the health of your goat. Be prepared for changes and be […]

Cheap Baby Goat Shelter

Cheap Baby Goat Shelter

Cheap Baby Goat Shelter Here on the farm at packgoats.com, we know raising baby goats for the first time on your farm, homestead, or backyard, a goat shelter is a necessity. Especially a cheap easy goat shelter. Even though goats are equipped to live outdoors. They still need protection from rain, snow, wind, and extreme […]

How to Bottle Feed Baby Goats

bottle feeding goats

How to Bottle Feed Baby Goats This kidding season has brought so much joy! We have experienced births, bottle feeding, bonding, milking, and playfulness. At packgoats.com we get asked lots of questions on how to bottle feed baby goats and why it is critical when owning pack goats. That being said, we would like to […]

What Is Floppy Kid Syndrome

Floppy Goat Syndrome

Floppy Kid Syndrome, also known as FKS is a disease or toxicity characterized by metabolic acidosis and may be coupled with microorganisms in the gut. Rather than having a neutral pH in the bloodstream, it becomes acidic due to undigested milk in the stomach, caused by overfeeding. As a reminder, this can happen in dam-raised […]