Trail Training Baby Pack Goats

Trail Training Baby Pack Goats

Trail Training Baby Pack Goats Trail training baby pack goats is one of the topics I get a lot of questions for. The first common question I get all the time is how do I keep my babies back and that IS a struggle with little babies.  They all want to be out front and […]

How To Lead Train A Pack Goat

How To Lead Train A Pack Goat

How To Lead Train A Pack Goat How to lead train a pack goat is a pretty simple thing.  There are some valid points that I see people don’t that they don’t realize about what there is.  Number one, you really have two kinds of goats.  The kind of goats that you have to drag […]

How to Easily Introduce New Babies to Your Pack Goat String

How to Easily Introduce New Babies to Your Pack Goat String

How to Easily Introduce New Babies to Your Pack Goat String In this video, I am going to show you how I introduce babies in with the adult string. I have a baby area next to my adult area and have a little pass-through area set up.  It is big enough that a 2 yr […]

Think About Options When It Comes To Goat Panniers

small roll top pannier

Think About Options When It Comes To Goat Panniers Quiver of Panniers As Marc says, “Your gonna want a quiver of panniers,” to give you a couple of options. By getting a few different sizes you will find our spread of panniers to help with all your specific needs.  Don’t buy just one color.  Get […]

Training Older Pack Goats

Training Older Pack Goats

Training Older Pack Goats Training older pack goats, my process to train an older goat to pack. A couple years ago one nasty, cold fall afternoon I was carrying my daughters entire boned out bear and hide on my back for 5 miles back to the truck. That’s when  I made the final decision I […]

Training your Pack Goat Kid. Everything Your Pack Goat Will Need to Learn Year One.

Training your pack goat kid

Training your Pack Goat Kid This article’s intent will be to teach you everything you need to know about training your pack goat in their first year.  It will start from when you get them home and they are still bottle feeding and finish with training them on the trail when they are yearlings.  I […]

Goat Pasture Setup: Organize Shelter, Feeding Stations, and Pasture for Pack Goats

goat pasture setup

Goat Pasture Setup Pack Goat pasture setup is not super complicated to take care of, but how you set up your feeding stations, shelter and pasture are important for them and for you.  I made a ton of mistakes in the beginning and I hope to help you to eliminate making those same mistakes with […]

Marc Warnke Kid Trainer Frameless Soft saddle

Goat Trainer Soft Saddle

Goat Trainer Soft Saddle Pack goat yearlings are ready to start training with a goat trainer soft saddle loaded with mostly bulk.  Please do not use dog packs. Many people do but it’s harmful for goats. It holds the weight too high on their shoulders and loads the spine.  These kid packs have detachable panniers […]