
How Much Can A Pack Goat Carry


How much can a pack goat carry? The most common question I get when people first see my pack goats is “how much can a pack goat carry?”  This is a very sensible question for a new person. In fact, I asked exactly the same one when I first began to hop down the trail […]

Pack Goats and Predators – How to Prevent Issues Before They Occur

pack goats

Pack Goats and Predators Pack goats and predators are genetically engineered adversaries. This article will help you prevent any issues from happening before they occur. Because this predator/prey relationship is predictable we know how to be mindful of our goats in the pasture and the back country.  First thing to remember is that the number […]

Aggressive Goats. Unruley Bucks: How to Deal with Them

Aggresive goats

Aggressive Goats and How to Correct them Aggressive goats are an issue for anyone who owns or deals with them. They are an animal with the tools and strength to potentially hurt their handlers. As the owner of packgoats.com I own and train pack goats and not only are my goats bred to be big […]

What Breed of Goat Should I Get?

What breed of goat should I get

How do I know breed of goat is best for me? In order to pick a breed you have to know your intended purpose for getting a goat. There are so many types of goat breeds it can make your head spin. The most important information you need to know is why you are getting […]

How To Tell If Your Goat Is In Heat

goat in heat

How to Tell if Your Goat is in Heat Know how to tell if your goat is in heat by identifying key differences in behavior. In every breed of goat, with the exception of Nigerian Dwarfs, the does will begin to go in heat during the fall/winter. There is no set date or even set […]

How To Train a Goat With a Squirt Bottle

How to train a goat with a squirt bottle

The #1 rule to training a goat is to never, ever physically discipline a goat by pushing them, striking them or hitting them. They think of you as one of them, so if you use aggressive behaviors toward them, they will respond to you in the same manner. We do not want that, so we […]

Is My Goat Pregnant? How to Tell if Your Goat Will Have Babies Soon

is my goat pregnant?

Clues That Might Answer the Question “Is My Goat Pregnant?” After you’ve bred (or think you’ve bred) a female goat, you may be wondering “Is my goat pregnant?” Well, the only sure-fire way to know is by an ultrasound or blood test, but some other clues may help you be able to confidently determine if […]

The Story of Healing a Broken Leg on my Pack Goat

pack goats broken leg

Healing a Pack Goats Broken Leg Let me start out by saying I am not an expert on pack goats. I do not pretend to be. Knowing how to fix a pack goats broken leg was a process led by my vet and good intuition.  What I do have personal experience in is sport injuries.  […]

Training your Pack Goat Kid. Everything Your Pack Goat Will Need to Learn Year One.

Training your pack goat kid

Training your Pack Goat Kid This article’s intent will be to teach you everything you need to know about training your pack goat in their first year.  It will start from when you get them home and they are still bottle feeding and finish with training them on the trail when they are yearlings.  I […]

Pack Goat Nutrition

pack goat nutrition

Pack Goat Nutrition: The Everything and Nothing of Adult Pack Goat Nutrition. By David Eskildsen· Confused by the title? Good, then we are starting off on the right foot. In 20+ years of raising dairy goats, I can say with certainty, there is nothing straight forward about whats the best pack goat nutrition plan or any […]

Castrating Wethers: How Long Should You Wait

Banding Pack Goats

Banding Pack Goats Castrating Wethers and when has been debated between the folks in the pack goat community forever. We are, as a community the most experienced at keeping wethers alive and well of any other goat niche. It seems to always get into hot debate and people are super passionate that they are “right,” […]

Goat Pasture Setup: Organize Shelter, Feeding Stations, and Pasture for Pack Goats

goat pasture setup

Goat Pasture Setup Pack Goat pasture setup is not super complicated to take care of, but how you set up your feeding stations, shelter and pasture are important for them and for you.  I made a ton of mistakes in the beginning and I hope to help you to eliminate making those same mistakes with […]

Plan Your Pack Goat String…Build it Like You Would a Football Team

pack goat string

Plan your Pack Goat String This plan your pack goat string article is going to go in depth, coaching you how to plan your pack goat string. I get asked a lot about what breed is best for a pack goat. My answer is always the same. Build and plan your string to be like […]

Introducing New Goats to the Pasture and String

Introducing new goats

Introducing New Goats to your Pasture and String This article will go in depth and help you know about introducing new goats into the pasture.  First off, new babies under 3 months need to be protected from your adult goats. In my opinion there is a proper way to introduce them.  Now, I say this […]

What You Need To Know About Spreading Out Pack Goat Ages

what breed makes the best pack goat

What You Need to Know about Spreading Out Pack Goat Ages Building a good string of pack goats takes years so it’s important to strategize pack goat ages.  You have to start with babies and you won’t be putting full loads on them until they are 4 years old. Also, plan on them slowing down […]

Horned Pack Goat Feeder

horned goat feeder

This horned goat feeder is the best design to date for feeding goats with horns. Feeding horned pack goats sounds simple, but it isn’t.  Why??? It’s not all just about simply feeding them.  There is “baggage” to goats that you will have to solve. Problem one. If you are trying to feed multiple goats, the […]

Training Pack Goats: A Complete How To

Training Pack Goats

General Principles of Training Pack Goats This article is going to show you everything you need to know about training pack goats. Training pack goats is reasonably easy and goats are very smart and pick up new information very quickly.  The goal of this article will be to help you handle 95% of all issues. […]

How To Weigh Pack Goats

How to weigh pack goats

How to Weigh Pack Goats How to weigh pack goats is a crucial skill to know. In this video I talk about the importance of weighing your pack goat and having a scale. I also talk about how to make a nervous goat do what you want and have it go well using patience and […]

Goats and Bighorn Sheep: Packgoats ARE NOT a hazard to Bighorn Sheep

Pack Goats and Bighorn Sheep

The purpose of this article is to clear up the confusion that is rampant in the minds of many people regarding the supposed hazard to Bighorn Sheep represented by Packgoats, and also to directly address two of the main articles that have been circulated mitigating against Packgoat use over the years.