Goat Milk “The Superfood”

Goat Milk Superfood

GOT MILK?   Goat Milk – The “Superfood” Goat milk has nutritional value and health benefits for everyone. The Value of Goat Milk Nutrition: How is goat milk, the “superfood”, different from cow’s milk? Goat milk has become known as a superfood because it is naturally homogenized and and is a source of so many […]

Goat Feeder for Hobby Goat Owners

Goat Feeder

Goat Feeder for the Hobby Goat Owner When it comes to building a goat feeder, it can be hard to know where to start. There are hundreds of designs for ways to feed goats out there. Everything from re-purposed laundry baskets to nets to commercial pre-fabricated feeders. Safety: Feeders need to be free of potential […]

Goats Need a Playground

goat playground

Goats Need a Playground It’s true, goats need playground. In the wild, goats are highly athletic creatures that rely on their agile navigation of steep mountainous terrain for survival. Wild goats feed, shelter, and avoid depredation by navigating terrain with lots of obstacles. Domestic goats still hold these instincts. Regardless of the breed, size, or […]

Picking a Pack Goat Saddle

Picking a Pack Goat Saddle

How to Pick a Pack Goat Saddle Picking a pack goat saddle can feel overwhelming. Especially when you’re new to goat packing. There’s several manufacturers, each with multiple models, not to mention their pricing! This blog and video aim to help you in the decision making process. Marc Warnke breaks down the different styles of […]

How to Treat Sick Baby Goats

How to Treat Sick Baby Goats

How to Treat Sick Baby Goats How to Treat Sick Baby Goats: written by Rosie Ramsey, Founder of Successful Goating with Rosie. Posted with permission, edited by packgoats.com. TOO MANY DEAD BABIES … I see so many babies dying at just a few days old. This is very concerning. It isn’t “normal” to just loose […]

Raising Goats: How to Raise a Baby Goat

raising goats

Raising Goats: How to Raise a Baby Goat   With spring being around the corner, raising goats is the biggest question everyone has. It’s a loaded question; however, because so much goes into raising these little critters well. After years of raising goats I am still learning about how to take good care of them. […]

Owning and Raising Goats: The How to on all things goats

Owning and raising Goats

Owning and Raising Goats: The How to on All Things Goats I have been owning and raising goats for years. I am continuing to learn how to take better care of these amazing critters. Knowing what I know now, I could have saved so much time, money and frustration if I had a trusted resource […]

How to Feed a Baby Goat

Feed Baby Goat

How to Feed a Baby Goat   There are a few different ways to feed a baby goat, they can be dam raised or bottle fed when raising goats. Each has its unique benefits and drawbacks. The option you choose really depends on your ultimate goal for the goat. You can check out our How […]

Transporting Goats: Space, Optimal Ventilation, and Suspension

Transporting Goats

Transporting Goats Transporting goats is a bit of a science. Of course anyone can pack car full of gear and haul a trailer full of goats, but it’s important to take these considerations to mind to transport safely and efficiently. In this video Marc Warnke, “The Goat Guy,” goes over the essentials of transporting goats. […]

Floating Goat’s Teeth

Floating Goat's Teeth

Floating Goat’s Teeth Floating goat’s teeth is part of pioneering the world of goats in health, wellness, and longevity. Marc has been experimenting with increasing the packing life of his goats by occasionally floating their teeth. A common practice with horses but not for goats. A goat’s lifespan is limited by its ability to digest […]

Toxic Plants for Goats

Toxic Plants for Goats

Toxic Plants for Goats Knowing toxic plants for goats is a helpful skill. This article references the Goat Digestive System Article. If you haven’t already, take a second to check it out to better understand how certain toxins affect goat health. First, this list of toxins and toxic plants is by no means exhaustive. Also, […]

Hoof Rot in Goats

Hoof Rot in Goats

Treating Hoof Rot in Goats Hoof Rot is a contagious bacterial infection of the hooves of goats and other ruminant species. Contracting hoof rot is most common in wet conditions where pastures accumulate mud and manure. The bacteria that cause this disease are often carried in the fecal matter of goats and other ruminants like […]

Understanding Goat Digestive Systems

Goat Digestive System Diagram

How Goat Digestive System Works Goats are Ruminants, like sheep, cows, and deer; the goat digestive system is made up of 4 stomach chambers. These chambers are called the Reticulum, Rumen, Omasum, and Abomasum. Humans are monogastric, we have one stomach that breaks down our food.  For humans, digestion begins with chewing, our food is […]

Pack Goat Does: the benefits of packing and breeding

Pack Goat Does

Pack Goat Does There are many benefits to having does as part of your pack goat herd. Check out this article on sexes of goats and packing. Everyone knows that wethers make the largest, strongest, and best all around pack goats. There are, however, several benefits to owning does as pack goats too.  Does can […]

Hunting with Pack Goats Podcast: Marc Warnke – Sleeping on Bucks and Bulls

Hunting with Pack Goats

In this podcast, Marc talks about his way of hunting with pack goats. Pack Goat powered hunts allow people to get access. Country that can’t be accessed by wheels, mules, or a backpack is accessible by goat! Discover how Marc makes this possible by listening to his podcast here.

What to Look for in an Adult Pack Goat

What to look for in an adult pack goat

What to Look for in Choosing an Adult Pack Goat It has taken me a long time to learn what to look for in an adult pack goat. I have bought nearly 30 adult goats in my mission to build a pack string from scratch and I have learned a ton while doing so. I […]

What Breed Makes the Best Pack Goat

what breed makes the best pack goat

What is the best pack goat breed? I get asked all the time what breed makes the best pack goat. I also get asked all the time what breed of goats I have.  Generally, people are asking because they want to know what breed they should be looking for as they begin to build their […]

How Much Can A Pack Goat Carry


How much can a pack goat carry? The most common question I get when people first see my pack goats is “how much can a pack goat carry?”  This is a very sensible question for a new person. In fact, I asked exactly the same one when I first began to hop down the trail […]

Pack Goats and Predators – How to Prevent Issues Before They Occur

pack goats

Pack Goats and Predators Pack goats and predators are genetically engineered adversaries. This article will help you prevent any issues from happening before they occur. Because this predator/prey relationship is predictable we know how to be mindful of our goats in the pasture and the back country.  First thing to remember is that the number […]

Sexes of Goats and How That Relates to Using Them as Pack Goats

Does and bucks used as pack goats

Can Does and Bucks be used as Pack Goats? The question if does and bucks can be used as pack goats is one of the most common questions new packers and curious goat owners ask. Without question the most effective pack goat to work with is a wethered (castrated) male goat.  They grow the largest, […]

Aggressive Goats. Unruley Bucks: How to Deal with Them

Aggresive goats

Aggressive Goats and How to Correct them Aggressive goats are an issue for anyone who owns or deals with them. They are an animal with the tools and strength to potentially hurt their handlers. As the owner of packgoats.com I own and train pack goats and not only are my goats bred to be big […]

What Breed of Goat Should I Get?

What breed of goat should I get

How do I know breed of goat is best for me? In order to pick a breed you have to know your intended purpose for getting a goat. There are so many types of goat breeds it can make your head spin. The most important information you need to know is why you are getting […]

Showing a Goat: 3 Things to Remember

Showing a goat

Showing a Goat It’s that time of the year for fairs and livestock shows. For those of you showing goats this year, good luck! What a fun thing to get into. Now that you’ve put in all that hard work with your goat, its your time to show it off. Showmanship is an important part […]

How To Tell If Your Goat Is In Heat

goat in heat

How to Tell if Your Goat is in Heat Know how to tell if your goat is in heat by identifying key differences in behavior. In every breed of goat, with the exception of Nigerian Dwarfs, the does will begin to go in heat during the fall/winter. There is no set date or even set […]

How To Train a Goat With a Squirt Bottle

How to train a goat with a squirt bottle

The #1 rule to training a goat is to never, ever physically discipline a goat by pushing them, striking them or hitting them. They think of you as one of them, so if you use aggressive behaviors toward them, they will respond to you in the same manner. We do not want that, so we […]

Is My Goat Pregnant? How to Tell if Your Goat Will Have Babies Soon

is my goat pregnant?

Clues That Might Answer the Question “Is My Goat Pregnant?” After you’ve bred (or think you’ve bred) a female goat, you may be wondering “Is my goat pregnant?” Well, the only sure-fire way to know is by an ultrasound or blood test, but some other clues may help you be able to confidently determine if […]

So You Want to Buy a Baby Goat – Four Things to Consider

buy a baby goat

Having a goat around is a ton of fun, especially during the baby stage. What’s not to like? They are an adorable fluffy ball, they’re tail-waggin’ machines, and they have the funniest personalities (sometimes). Here are four things to consider before you buy a baby goat:   Purpose to Buy a Baby Goat. Why are […]

Pack Goat Back Country Gear List

Pack Goat Gear List

Pack Goat Gear List My goal of this is to provide a simple printable pack goat gear list you can hang in your garage to help you pack. Keep this list handy to look over and plan a well thought out pack goat back country gear list.  I like having one that I can physically […]

Training Older Pack Goats

Training Older Pack Goats

Training Older Pack Goats Training older pack goats, my process to train an older goat to pack. A couple years ago one nasty, cold fall afternoon I was carrying my daughters entire boned out bear and hide on my back for 5 miles back to the truck. That’s when  I made the final decision I […]