Club Membership for Everything Raising Goats

This is a Must-Have for All Goat Lovers Marc Warnke, the Goat Guy, and his lady Tricia at are here to share with you over 9 years of goat experiences, lessons learned along the way, giving you the confidence to become better stewards with the goal of helping care for and enjoy these special […]

How to Save Sick Baby Goats

Baby Goat

How to Save Sick Baby Goats This article is about how to save sick baby goats. Marc Warnke, the goat guy, is on the farm at and explains the importance of 3 major medical challenges. It is when goats leave to new homes and face new environments, the transport itself, new milk, and the […]

5 Mistakes New Goat Owners Make

5 Mistakes New Goat Owners Make At we get asked lots of questions. For example how to raise baby goats, how to train pack goats, how to milk goats, and even questions about how to birth goats. Also questions about health, nutrition, shelter, etc. Having goats is the dopamine you need in your life. […]

A Baby Goat Kit For New Babies 

Baby Goat Kit

A Baby Goat Kit For New Babies  The baby goat kit has been designed to help you start with the right tools to make goat growing a success. Here are some products to prepare you before the babies are born. Searching online for answers can be stressful. At our mission is to become a […]

How To Transport A Baby Goat

Transporting Goats

How To Transport A Baby Goat There are a few good ways to transport your baby goat: a truck goat hauler, kennel, or a livestock trailer. Each has its pros and cons; however, here are the four essential things to consider when transporting your baby goat. Distance in Transporting Goats Distance is a factor you […]

Goat Milking Area and Cleanliness

Milking A Goat

Goat Milking Area and Cleanliness Goat milk is sterile, and we can easily contaminate it coming out of the udder.  Make sure your hands, yourself, and the udders are clean before you begin.  Keep the udder trimmed.  Udder, back legs, hooves trimmed to keep things from coming into the milking area.  However, it is best […]

Why Raising Goats Bring You Happiness

Baby Goats

Why Raising Goats Bring You Happiness What could possibly be a greater joy than raising goats which brings you happiness? The definition of happiness is the state of feeling or showing pleasure, contentment, or intense joy. However, happiness is different for everyone. It could be a fresh-brewed cup of coffee, snuggles in the morning, a […]

5 Reasons You Need To Invest In A Goat Course

is my goat pregnant?

5 Reasons You Need To Invest In A Goat Course There are many reasons you need to invest in a goat course, because goats are the neatest and cutest animals to ever own. The versatilities of making them an excellent choice such as pets, meat, milking, and for back country packing. The low maintenance, smart, […]

Do I Need A Stanchion For My Goat

Milking Goats

Do I Need A Stanchion For My Goat Many times you have grabbed your trimming shears, pushed and pulled, and got mad. Or how about the milk bucket kicked a time or two. Don’t get mad, get the stanchion building plans instead. Think about your back, not yelling for help, or a broken stand that […]

Benefits Of Having A Good Design On A Goat Feeder

Goat Feeder

Benefits Of Having A Good Design On A Goat Feeder Finding the benefits to a good goat feeder design is just a click away. Check out building plans for your herd. There are so many goat feeder designs all over the internet. Searching for a good design that will make you and your goat herd […]

Floating Goat’s Teeth

Floating Goat's Teeth

Floating Goat’s Teeth Floating goat’s teeth is part of pioneering the world of goats in health, wellness, and longevity. Marc has been experimenting with increasing the packing life of his goats by occasionally floating their teeth. A common practice with horses but not for goats. A goat’s lifespan is limited by its ability to digest […]

How To Train a Goat With a Squirt Bottle

How to train a goat with a squirt bottle

The #1 rule to training a goat is to never, ever physically discipline a goat by pushing them, striking them or hitting them. They think of you as one of them, so if you use aggressive behaviors toward them, they will respond to you in the same manner. We do not want that, so we […]

How to Bone Out Elk for Pack Goats

How to Bone Out Elk for Pack Goats

How to Bone Out an Elk for Pack Goats This video shows how Marc butchers elk;  bone out elk for pack goats to be packed in pack goat panniers.  See the details of the how’s and why’s that make the job simple through this video. This process is the best and easiest way to pack […]

Pack Goat Elk Hunting Video

Hunting with Pack Goats

Pack Goat Elk Hunting Pack goat elk hunting is such a treat. This trip wouldn’t have been possible without pack goats. Watch as Marc Warnke and his buddies harvest two good bulls while hunting alongside their trusty pack goats.  Hunting With Pack Goats can be amazingly rewarding. See more of Marc Warnke’s hunting with pack […]

Birth of a Bowhunter (Hunting Bears with Pack Goats)

hunting bears with pack goats

  Watch as Jaken Warnke is hunting bears with Pack Goats in this film titled “Birth of a Bowhunter”.  This is his first ever animal to harvest with a bow…truly magical. In this video you will see such a neat moment captured on film…I can’t wait to share this with you.  Jaken is 11 years […]