How To Lead Train A Pack Goat

How To Lead Train A Pack Goat

How To Lead Train A Pack Goat How to lead train a pack goat is a pretty simple thing.  There are some valid points that I see people don’t that they don’t realize about what there is.  Number one, you really have two kinds of goats.  The kind of goats that you have to drag […]

Why Goats Make The Best Stock Animal

Goat Club Membership

Why Goats Make The Best Stock Animal Have you ever been hiking or hunting and it feels like a highway of people everywhere? Imagine getting up to higher elevations and away from others to have space just for you. Sure horses, mules, and llamas can get you there but only if the trail is clear. […]

Getting Started with a Pack Goat 4H Project

What is 4H? 4H is a youth development organization for kids, ages 5 to 19 years old. They learn life skills, meet friends, experience leadership, and community involvement. Kids complete hands-on projects with guidance from adult mentors in areas like health, science, agriculture, and citizenship, in a positive environment and become the next generation of […]

How Play Structures Build Goat Agility

How Play Structures Build Goat Agility How play structures build goat agility will determine how strong and agile your goats will become. When building a pack goat string, endurance, strength, and agility are the foundation of a great team.  Just having goats in a pasture with grass and a shelter will not produce strong pack […]

Club Membership for Everything Raising Goats

This is a Must-Have for All Goat Lovers Marc Warnke, the Goat Guy, and his lady Tricia at are here to share with you over 9 years of goat experiences, lessons learned along the way, giving you the confidence to become better stewards with the goal of helping care for and enjoy these special […]

A Bug Out Strategy with Pack Goats

A Bug Out Strategy with Pack Goats

A Bug Out Strategy with Pack Goats [video_embed url=”″] If you want the ultimate bug out strategy I believe you need two pack goats and a milking doe.  They will likely be the difference of surviving (even thriving) based on the forced length of stay.  Caring for others such as your kids for example, pack […]

Goat Milking Area and Cleanliness

Milking A Goat

Goat Milking Area and Cleanliness Goat milk is sterile, and we can easily contaminate it coming out of the udder.  Make sure your hands, yourself, and the udders are clean before you begin.  Keep the udder trimmed.  Udder, back legs, hooves trimmed to keep things from coming into the milking area.  However, it is best […]

How Goats Thrive Through Winter

How Goats Thrive Through Winter Winter will be here before you know it, how goats thrive through winter will determine how prepared you are. Rather this be your first winter or a winter you wished you had prepared for. Get the tips and resources to make this winter a happy and healthy one. Water Water […]

The Pack Goat Gear You Need As Your Goats Grow Into Packers

Pack Goat Gear List

Pack Goat Gear The pack goat gear that you will need as your babies move from pets to working goats can be daunting.  I suggest you spend some time planning your budget as that magical 3rd and 4th year approach. This is when pack goats can begin to carry loads.  This article’s intention is to […]

Floating Goat’s Teeth

Floating Goat's Teeth

Floating Goat’s Teeth Floating goat’s teeth is part of pioneering the world of goats in health, wellness, and longevity. Marc has been experimenting with increasing the packing life of his goats by occasionally floating their teeth. A common practice with horses but not for goats. A goat’s lifespan is limited by its ability to digest […]

What Breed Makes the Best Pack Goat

what breed makes the best pack goat

What is the best pack goat breed? I get asked all the time what breed makes the best pack goat. I also get asked all the time what breed of goats I have.  Generally, people are asking because they want to know what breed they should be looking for as they begin to build their […]

How Much Can A Pack Goat Carry


How much can a pack goat carry? The most common question I get when people first see my pack goats is “how much can a pack goat carry?”  This is a very sensible question for a new person. In fact, I asked exactly the same one when I first began to hop down the trail […]

Pack Goats and Predators – How to Prevent Issues Before They Occur

pack goats

Pack Goats and Predators Pack goats and predators are genetically engineered adversaries. This article will help you prevent any issues from happening before they occur. Because this predator/prey relationship is predictable we know how to be mindful of our goats in the pasture and the back country.  First thing to remember is that the number […]

Sexes of Goats and How That Relates to Using Them as Pack Goats

Does and bucks used as pack goats

Can Does and Bucks be used as Pack Goats? The question if does and bucks can be used as pack goats is one of the most common questions new packers and curious goat owners ask. Without question the most effective pack goat to work with is a wethered (castrated) male goat.  They grow the largest, […]

Aggressive Goats. Unruley Bucks: How to Deal with Them

Aggresive goats

Aggressive Goats and How to Correct them Aggressive goats are an issue for anyone who owns or deals with them. They are an animal with the tools and strength to potentially hurt their handlers. As the owner of I own and train pack goats and not only are my goats bred to be big […]

How To Tell If Your Goat Is In Heat

goat in heat

How to Tell if Your Goat is in Heat Know how to tell if your goat is in heat by identifying key differences in behavior. In every breed of goat, with the exception of Nigerian Dwarfs, the does will begin to go in heat during the fall/winter. There is no set date or even set […]

How To Train a Goat With a Squirt Bottle

How to train a goat with a squirt bottle

The #1 rule to training a goat is to never, ever physically discipline a goat by pushing them, striking them or hitting them. They think of you as one of them, so if you use aggressive behaviors toward them, they will respond to you in the same manner. We do not want that, so we […]

So You Want to Buy a Baby Goat – Four Things to Consider

buy a baby goat

Having a goat around is a ton of fun, especially during the baby stage. What’s not to like? They are an adorable fluffy ball, they’re tail-waggin’ machines, and they have the funniest personalities (sometimes). Here are four things to consider before you buy a baby goat:   Purpose to Buy a Baby Goat. Why are […]

Pack Goat Back Country Gear List

Pack Goat Gear List

Pack Goat Gear List My goal of this is to provide a simple printable pack goat gear list you can hang in your garage to help you pack. Keep this list handy to look over and plan a well thought out pack goat back country gear list.  I like having one that I can physically […]

Training Older Pack Goats

Training Older Pack Goats

Training Older Pack Goats Training older pack goats, my process to train an older goat to pack. A couple years ago one nasty, cold fall afternoon I was carrying my daughters entire boned out bear and hide on my back for 5 miles back to the truck. That’s when  I made the final decision I […]

New Goat Packer: Lessons Learned by Amy Flygare

New Goat Packer

New Goat Packer: Lessons Learned I’ll be the first to admit that I still feel like a new goat packer; complete newbie to this whole thing. We started our pack goat journey about 2 years ago. We rented a couple of big Saanens from Clay Zimmerman of High Uinta Pack Goats and took them to […]

Pack Goat Saddle Review

pack goat saddle review

Pack Goat Saddle Review I want to take a minute and tell you my experience packing in with our goats and give you my thoughts on a pack goat saddle review.  This last weekend I took the plunge and took my boys camping with the goats and NO Marc! Marc visited his Dr. the day […]

The Story of Healing a Broken Leg on my Pack Goat

pack goats broken leg

Healing a Pack Goats Broken Leg Let me start out by saying I am not an expert on pack goats. I do not pretend to be. Knowing how to fix a pack goats broken leg was a process led by my vet and good intuition.  What I do have personal experience in is sport injuries.  […]

Pack Goat Conditioning and Weight Bearing Timeline

pack goat conditioning

Pack Goat Conditioning Pack Goat conditioning is a “new science” and I’m going to share with you what I have found to works best.  I’ve noticed as new people are coming into this wonderful lifestyle/pastime that they are pushing their goats younger and younger. I wanted to build a timeline that could be followed of […]

Training your Pack Goat Kid. Everything Your Pack Goat Will Need to Learn Year One.

Training your pack goat kid

Training your Pack Goat Kid This article’s intent will be to teach you everything you need to know about training your pack goat in their first year.  It will start from when you get them home and they are still bottle feeding and finish with training them on the trail when they are yearlings.  I […]

Pack Goat Nutrition

pack goat nutrition

Pack Goat Nutrition: The Everything and Nothing of Adult Pack Goat Nutrition. By David Eskildsen· Confused by the title? Good, then we are starting off on the right foot. In 20+ years of raising dairy goats, I can say with certainty, there is nothing straight forward about whats the best pack goat nutrition plan or any […]

Castrating Wethers: How Long Should You Wait

Banding Pack Goats

Banding Pack Goats Castrating Wethers and when has been debated between the folks in the pack goat community forever. We are, as a community the most experienced at keeping wethers alive and well of any other goat niche. It seems to always get into hot debate and people are super passionate that they are “right,” […]

Goat Pasture Setup: Organize Shelter, Feeding Stations, and Pasture for Pack Goats

goat pasture setup

Goat Pasture Setup Pack Goat pasture setup is not super complicated to take care of, but how you set up your feeding stations, shelter and pasture are important for them and for you.  I made a ton of mistakes in the beginning and I hope to help you to eliminate making those same mistakes with […]

Hunting with Pack Goats and Strategy

Hunting with Pack Goats

 Hunting with Pack Goats Hunting with pack goats can be an incredibly effective way to hunt. You just need a good game plan on how to go about it and the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages. I’m going to go into detail on hunting tactics as well as camping and “goat management” equipment that you’ll […]

Podcast on “All Things Pack Goats”

All Things Pack Goats

All Things Pack Goats In this podcast “All Things Pack Goats”, the host of “Finding Back Country” interviews Marc Warnke on many topics about packing with goats.  They talk about everything from pack goat gear, training, hunting strategies and so on.  They also discuss the topic of the difference between goats and llamas as pack […]